Volunteers are a valuable resource in our school. Watch classroom and school newsletters and email announcements for opportunities to match your time, talent and skills.
Families may record 5 volunteer hours for attending the fall fundraiser and 5 additional hours for attending the Spring Gala.
Volunteer hours for FCA students do not count toward the family total; however, volunteer hours for older siblings/children may be added to the family total. Volunteer hours should be recorded in the family account on Sycamore.
Each K-8 family is expected to give 20 hours of volunteer time yearly as part of their tuition package or be billed $12.50 an hour at the end of the year. Preschool families are also encouraged to volunteer. Below is a brief overview of several volunteer opportunities. If interested, please contact the office unless another party is listed.
Athletics Coaches – Expertise not necessary! Contact the Athletic Director with interest.
Catholic Schools Week – Last week in January we showcase our amazing school! Specific events will be announced.
Clubs & Groups – Contact the school office if you have an idea for an extracurricular or co curricular club!
Room Parent – Assist the teacher with projects, activities, and communication. Contact the teacher if interested.
ELC – Environmental Learning Camp 6th Grade activity – overnight parent chaperones needed.
Fall Fundraiser – Traditionally, our Frassati 5K. Specific needs will be communicated.
Field Trip Chaperones – Assist teachers on classroom field trips.
Library – Assist Media Aide and students.
Lunchroom Helpers – Help serve, and clean up during lunch periods.
Parade – Celebrate and walk in the Manitou Days Parade. Mid-June, volunteer time counts toward following school year.
SMOL/SPX Parish Events – Various events such as annual festivals, fish fry, etc. Must be discussed with school office prior.
Spring Gala – Volunteers needed in preparation and day-of event. School office can get you in touch with the correct Chairperson.
School Garden – Weeding and watering during the summer. Hours count toward following school year.
8th Grade Graduation – 7th-grade parents host 8th-grade graduation reception. Let’s make it special!