First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Information

Attached is First Reconciliation and First Eucharist information for families who are parishioners of SMOL.

Calling All Pokémon Fans!

Come one, come all to the Frassati Pokémon Club. Bring your Pokémon card sets to trade, share and play.

When and where? Monday afternoons beginning October 20 from 2:15—3:15 in the school library.

Sign up with Frassati parent Jill Johannes ([email protected]). Make sure you bring a note from home each Monday you plan to attend.

Middle School Families–Open House at Totino Grace and Hill-Murray

Middle School Families Save the Dates!

Totino Grace High School will host an open house on Monday, October 20 at 6:30 p.m. For more information or to RSVP visit or call 763-586-6316.

Hill-Murray School will host an open house on Monday, October 27 at 6:00 p.m. Visit or call 651-777-1376 for additional information and/or to RSVP.

February 21, 2015—Save the Date!

Frassati parent, Josie Muntifering, has registered a team for the Forest Lake Winter Plunge which is scheduled for Saturday,

February 21, 2015. This year’s team will be called The Frassati Freezing Falcons. We hope to have a large team comprised of students (age 10 and up), parents, staff, parishioners, and alumni. This is a super fun event and a great way to raise funds for our school. If you’re ready to brave the cold &/or donate to the team, visit Watch for more details as we get closer to the plunge date!

Volunteer Opportunity

Love Art? Assist Our Iconographer in Classrooms

I am looking for parent volunteers who would like to assist our resident artist from October 27—November 6. Debra Korluka will be working with the students Monday through Thursday each week. Classes will be running from 8:15—11:00 a.m. and 12:00—2:00 pm. Volunteer as much or as little time as you like. Volunteers will be assisting the children with materials and receive some expert training in Iconography as well. Please be certain that you have completed a background check, Virtus training and a signed code of conduct. Email Mrs. Kemp at [email protected] to volunteer.